This site was last modified on September 28, 2003 and is now being maintained at

December 1984


401 and Shopping Malls


dark, dismal, drab

no sun

no sky

just cloud

and more cloud

            rolling across the plain


overtop of huddled



hurrying about

without the slightest regard

for a sight

so dreary                                                                     life’s chain of plans

                                                                                      a necklace of pearls

look there!                                                                           too fleeting to ignore

on the crest

a thousand statues sway

marble veins on granite skies

to sliver on lead

where billows recede


and on it goes

a path that goes forever

full of plans, dreams, goals

and destinations                                                        slowly comes


and there!                                                                            to the mind

on the left

comes sunlight crashing through

one small piece of daylight

becomes the painter’s brush




white                                                                                    the colours

                                                                                             are brought to life

and still the mad wheels turn                                        and dance in far off skies

life gets lost in living

lives are lost of hope

hope becomes a dream                                                  that dies


dark, dismal, drab                                                             though often

though often

yet beauty will abound

tears give laughter meaning

laughter gives tears a hope


My sister and I were on our way to

Bowmanville during a winter storm.