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July 1, 1984


alarm ringing

too early in the morning

I wake

just to make sure

“Yep, it’s too early”

and fall back asleep

and wake again

in good time

to bike to town

to see the parade

from the shade of

a well planted tree

            off to one side


and there it is

our chain of life

wending it’s way down Bridge

Harvey in his Model T

A.R.C. on their trailer


it’s over, I’m hot

Baskin’s ice-cream

sure hits that spot


outside the sky lights up

anemones swim the night

their call bouncing

through our town


            (light and sound)

on church walls

and dying in the night


Dominion Day, 1984.  Spent the day

in Belleville, having biked in early.

In case you wonder, the anemones

are fireworks brilliant in the night.