This site was last modified on September 28, 2003 and is now being maintained at
November 7, 2002
bed-ridden, pain wracked, deserted by hope
corpses waiting to die
selling bodies to their soul's destruction
knowing no dream other than the next oblivion
other lives, less prone to pain, equally given to death
accompany and encourage (both selfish and selfless)
to a doom that is shared
with grandly jaded dreams of cleaner lives lived more wholly
empty of the TRUTH but promising of life that will never realize
fullness of soul can never come from a change
of the circumstances surrounding the person
but of the person within the circumstance
Heard on CBC news today of a doctor sponsored program
to give a clean environment to drug addicts in order to let
them better enjoy their lives and do their drugs far from the
slums and dumpsters where the poorest exist. They tried to
make us feel sympathy for a woman who sold her body for
drug money in a way that would allow her to continue to do
this horrid thing but in better surroundings. As though the
act of selling her body was of no consequence at all. How
can our nation have gone so far on the road to Sodom?