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August 26, 2000


Catching David’s Fire


told my friends about you today

after our visit on Thursday

and what impressed me also

impressed them

astounding to our wonder starved ears

why is that so amazing

why are we so unaware

of God’s provision

that its presence astonishes


there you are sharing your bed

with tubes that feed

machines that blink and beep

and chemicals that destroy

confronted again by a disease

too closely held by death

and your eyes are aflame

as you speak of how good

God is being to you


“Last year,” you say,

“I almost died.

Now things are better.

God’s timing is perfect.”


you long for healing

yet dream the better place


as most

I do not feel I could rejoice

as do you

and I long for your fire to burn

in me


After a visit with a good friend and brother

this week.  In the hospital with leukemia,

again, yet rejoicing in the love of God.