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March 3, 2001


Dedication of the Land

Ground Breaking for Pickering Christian School


the balloons rose into the sky

slowly dwindling specks of

red in white intermingled as

smoke and flame of an altar

long remembered

the echo of the shophar

lingering in the cold

we stood beneath, feet stamping

breath white, wreathing faces

themselves wreathing smiles

excitement a palpable thing

as the plans of many days

begin the bearing of their fruit

how long ago these roots were laid

our God has blessed us richly

here, beneath His sky, we praise Him

giving Him just glory for His mercy

here the foundation we have in Him

will find an earthly bearing

that our children too

may be firmly founded

our prayers for them ascending

alongside the exuberant balloons

to the courts of Heaven’s King

and giver of every good and perfect thing


We celebrated the ground breaking for

the new building today.  One child from

each class driving a shovel into the earth

in answer to prayers long laid before God.

How good He is to us to give this answer.

Could tears not flow at the joy of today?