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November 11, 1999


The Lark Ascended


the lark ascended and flew in joyous bliss

o’er wreckage of days far gone away

untroubled in the air once ploughed by guns

aimed in rage at fellow man, unknown,

careless of the blood once that flowed

as rivers on distant foreign lands

and seeped into their soils

unknowing of the freedom so highly bought

by our fathers and our mothers, gone

that their children may grow in peace

with the sons and daughters of other men

other men once their foe


amazing grace that God could give

us men like these who many died

for men as yet unknown to live


we cannot glory these lost enough

our lives forever in their debt reside

we live, we breathe, at their loss

we joy because they wept

As I wrote this CFMX played “The Lark Ascending,”

a very fitting tribute to what I have of they who fought.