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August 1978


The Prayer of the Adult Child


Here I am, at sweet sixteen

A child no longer, I'm caught between

My parents yell, the kids they scream

And all of it is aimed at me

What shall I do, where can I go

To face these forces

That are my foes

I question all, I answer none

Oh God my Lord I ask thee now

Pray help me please or I shall fall

My foot upon the threshold stands

And the door for me is op'ning wide

But on the step I fear I'll slide

Please help me God in times to come

So that all things will work out good

Help me see your will in all

And that the other won't make me fall

Of all these things I need most of all

Thy boundless love, to help me through

So that all my life I may serve you

In Jesus' name...



Two years late, but

better late than never.