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October 9, 1997


the stars o’erspread the sky as jewels on velvet black

proclaiming the world throughout His glory by their light

whose hands encase and hold secure all that was or ever

will in spite of man below his protestations and denials

the truth of God remains the TRUTH forever and beyond

not being altered by all that he in stubborn pride will do or try

for God is God and cannot be but as He is in our today

and was upon the day when today was a but distant dream

in the minds of men now dust and so long forgot by those

who live today with wonders long unseen and unheard

all unchanging is God alone, change in changing changes

all but God; man, his world a fleeting place, seeks strength

where strength is naught but fragile dreams, a smoke wraith in

the howling wind that seeks to yank him further from his place