This site was last modified on September 28, 2003 and is now being maintained at

January 1985




joyful in where I am

there could be nothing else


            could there?


the sun shines

birds sing

children play

there can be no more


            could there?


far on the horizon

dunes break...




what lies beyond them?

reaching to the sky

blocking my view

but my ears hear

glimmerings of sound


            what could they be?


the sun rises from

over there

and sets

over there

what could be



surely nothing




Written at Wesley Acres in the main hall

during a WET retreat that we organized

(my ulterior motive was to get something

going that a friend would be able to go to).

West Lake was tossed by storm, as was

Lake Ontario and I thought of one of my

co-workers who had not the hope of

eternity that I do, and those with me here.