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October 13, 2000


Writing On The Sand


He was surrounded by the crowds

eagerly watching His every move

hanging fast to His every word

wondering what wonder next would come

the sound of their voices ceasing

as stern men, surrounding a woman,

approached to hear Him stumble

at the cleverness of their problem


men who never felt the joy of love

waiting in secret to condemn

never thinking that the law demanded

they confront in daylight to protect

that which weakened, faltered

men who, mistaken, saw a broken law

not the broken life before them


they confronted Him, asking Him to judge

Who never came to judge

while they,  uncaring, stood confused

as He stooped

and began to write upon the sand

with hands that ages past

formed from that very soil

their father who like them


then more confused as He rose

and permitted them to kill

if only they themselves were pure

and one by one they left

condemned and yet not saved


alone with the woman caught in sin

the very act her condemnation

the crowd waits


what on earth would happen now

eternity paused upon the brink

a hush upon the world

as this man to this woman

declares humanity’s future


“Neither do I condemn you”

Who most has cause to judge

“Go and sin no more”

Who alone could conquer sin

with power beyond all of man’s

proclaiming that which was broken



eternity races on

humanity’s babble now continues

yet none of us will He condemn

who likewise fall upon His grace