Rosina for 5

This is a modern adaptation of Rosina, based on my version of the dance for 3 by Giovanni Ambrogio (Guglielmo Ebreo)
This could be done by two men and 3 women, or two women and 3 men. This version will presume 3 men, 2 women.
Start:  Man 1 on the left, then Woman 1, then Man 2, then Woman 2, and finally Man 3 on the right, side by side, holding hands, facing up the hall.

      Section I
Doppio Left, Doppio Right, mezavolta
Doppio Left, Doppio Right, mezavolta Back where started.
Women Sempio Left, Sempio Right, Doppio Left forward,
Men Sempio Right, Sempio Left, Doppio Right forward, the Women ending with a mezavolta,

      Section II
Doppio Left, Doppio Right, mezavolta
Ripresa Left, Ripresa Right,
Chorusy thing: Doppio Left in a half circle to left, end in mezavolta and do Ripresa Right, 4 Continenze starting Left.

      Section III
Sempio Left, Sempio Right, Doppio Left forward, (end w/ meza-reverenza)
Doppio Right backwards, Reverenza
Chorusy thing: Doppio Left in a half circle to left, end in mezavolta and do Ripresa Right, 4 Continenze starting Left.

      Section IV
Women and Men to their right take right hands, and circle back to place with 4 Pive
Same thing, Women 'arming' left with men to their left,
Hey, with 8 Pive. Here is the only place much differnt than the original dance. At the end of the arming the woman are all facing up the hall while the men are facing down. As the hey is just beginning the central man and Woman 2 turn around. The men do the hey as it would be done normally in the 3 person dance, with the central man doing the same as the lone woman would do, starting by passing right shoulders with the man on the right (Man 3 in this dance.) While the men are doing this the woman do a large clockwise circle, changing places in the 1st 4 pive, and back to place on the last 4 pive. At the end, everyone needs to be facing down the hall, opposite the way they started the dance (so Woman 1 and the central man will turn.)

Repeat dance, going the other way.

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