package; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; public class Dawg { private static final int CHILD_BIT_SHIFT = 5; private static final int CHILD_INDEX_BIT_MASK = 0X003FFFE0; private static final int LETTER_BIT_MASK = 0X0000001F; private static final int END_OF_WORD_BIT_MASK = 0X00800000; private static final int END_OF_LIST_BIT_MASK = 0X00400000; private static final int INPUT_SIZE_LIMIT = 100; private static final char LOWER_IT = 32; private int numberOfNodes; private int[] theDawgArray; public Dawg() throws Exception { //DataInputStream dawgDataFile = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(getClass().getResourceAsStream("Traditional_Dawg_For_Word-List.dat"))); DataInputStream dawgDataFile = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream("Traditional_Dawg_For_Word-List.dat"))); numberOfNodes = endianConversion(dawgDataFile.readInt()); theDawgArray = new int[numberOfNodes]; for (int x = 0; x < numberOfNodes; x++) { theDawgArray[x] = endianConversion(dawgDataFile.readInt()); } dawgDataFile.close(); } private int endianConversion(int thisInteger) { return ((thisInteger & 0x000000ff) << 24) + ((thisInteger & 0x0000ff00) << 8) + ((thisInteger & 0x00ff0000) >>> 8) + ((thisInteger & 0xff000000) >>> 24); } // These methods are used to extract information from the "theDawgArray" nodes. private char nodeLetter(int index) { return (char)((theDawgArray[index]&LETTER_BIT_MASK) + 'A'); } private boolean nodeEndOfWord(int index) { return ((theDawgArray[index]&END_OF_WORD_BIT_MASK) != 0); } private int nodeNext(int index) { return ((theDawgArray[index]&END_OF_LIST_BIT_MASK) == 0)? (index + 1): 0; } private int nodeChild(int index) { return ((theDawgArray[index]&CHILD_INDEX_BIT_MASK)>>>CHILD_BIT_SHIFT); } private String searchForStringRecurse(String thisString, int position, int thisIndex, boolean[] result) { int currentIndex = thisIndex; char currentChar = thisString.charAt(position); String addThisMessage = new String("----------------------------------------\n"); addThisMessage += "Seek |" + currentChar + "| in position |" + position + "|.\n"; String returnHolder; while ( currentIndex != 0 ) { addThisMessage += "Node|" + currentIndex + "| Letter|" + nodeLetter(currentIndex) + "| "; if ( currentChar > nodeLetter(currentIndex) ) { currentIndex = nodeNext(currentIndex); addThisMessage += "- Letter too small.\n"; } else if ( currentChar < nodeLetter(currentIndex) ) { result[0]= false; return (addThisMessage + "- Letter too big\n\nWord Not Found\n"); } else if ( thisString.length() == (position + 1) ) { addThisMessage += "= Letter match.\n"; if ( nodeEndOfWord(currentIndex) ) { result[0] = true; return (addThisMessage + "\nWord Found.\n"); } else { result[0] = false; return (addThisMessage + "\nWord Not Found.\n"); } } else { addThisMessage += "= Letter match.\n"; returnHolder = searchForStringRecurse(thisString, position + 1, nodeChild(currentIndex), result); addThisMessage += returnHolder; return addThisMessage; } } result[0] = false; return (addThisMessage + "Reached end of list.\n\nWord Not Found\n"); } public String searchForString(String toSearchFor) { boolean[] found = new boolean[1]; String holder; String upperString = toSearchFor.toUpperCase(); String traversalResult = new String("Searching for: |" + upperString + "| - "); found[0] = false; holder = searchForStringRecurse(upperString, 0, (upperString.charAt(0) - 'A' + 1), found); if ( found[0] ) traversalResult += "Word Found.\n"; else traversalResult += "Word Not Found.\n"; traversalResult += holder; return traversalResult; } private String searchForPatternRecurse(String emptyPattern, int position, int thisIndex, char[] thePattern, int[] tally) { int currentIndex = thisIndex; String addThisMessage = ""; String returnHolder; char currentChar = emptyPattern.charAt(position); while ( currentIndex != 0 ) { if ( currentChar == '?') { thePattern[position] = nodeLetter(currentIndex); thePattern[position] += LOWER_IT; if ( (position == (emptyPattern.length() - 1)) ) { if ( nodeEndOfWord(currentIndex) ) { tally[0] += 1; addThisMessage += "|" + tally[0] + "| - " + new String(thePattern, 0, position + 1) + "\n"; } } else { returnHolder = searchForPatternRecurse(emptyPattern, position + 1, nodeChild(currentIndex), thePattern, tally); addThisMessage += returnHolder; } currentIndex = nodeNext(currentIndex); } else if ( currentChar > nodeLetter(currentIndex) ) { currentIndex = nodeNext(currentIndex); } else if ( currentChar < nodeLetter(currentIndex) ) { break; } else if ( (position == (emptyPattern.length() - 1)) ) { if ( nodeEndOfWord(currentIndex) ) { thePattern[position] = nodeLetter(currentIndex); tally[0] += 1; addThisMessage = "|" + tally[0] + "| - " + new String(thePattern, 0, position + 1) + "\n"; return addThisMessage; } break; } else { thePattern[position] = nodeLetter(currentIndex); addThisMessage = searchForPatternRecurse(emptyPattern, position + 1, nodeChild(currentIndex), thePattern, tally); return addThisMessage; } } return addThisMessage; } public String searchForPattern(String thisPattern) { int[] counter = new int[1]; String holder = ""; String upperString = thisPattern.toUpperCase(); String traversalResult = new String("Pattern: |" + upperString + "| - "); char[] runningPattern = new char[upperString.length()]; counter[0] = 0; if ( upperString.charAt(0) != '?' ) holder += searchForPatternRecurse(upperString, 0, (upperString.charAt(0) - '@'), runningPattern, counter); else holder += searchForPatternRecurse(upperString, 0, 1, runningPattern, counter); traversalResult += counter[0] + " Words fit:\n\n"; traversalResult += holder; return traversalResult; } // This method is the core program component. It requires that "unusedChars" be in alphabetical order because the traditional "Dawg" is a list based structure. private String anagramRecurse(int currentIndex, char[] toyWithMe, int fillThisPosition, char[] unusedChars, int sizeOfBank, int[] forTheCounter, boolean onWildcard){ char previousChar = '\0'; char currentChar; int tempIndex = nodeChild(currentIndex); String holder; String wordAccumulator = ""; toyWithMe[fillThisPosition] = nodeLetter(currentIndex); if ( onWildcard ) toyWithMe[fillThisPosition] += LOWER_IT; if ( nodeEndOfWord(currentIndex) ) { forTheCounter[0] += 1; wordAccumulator = new String(toyWithMe, 0, fillThisPosition + 1); wordAccumulator = "|" + forTheCounter[0] + "| - " + wordAccumulator + ""; if ( sizeOfBank == 0 ) wordAccumulator += " ********->\n"; else wordAccumulator +="\n"; } if ( (sizeOfBank > 0) && (tempIndex != 0) ) { for ( int x = 0; x < sizeOfBank; x++ ) { currentChar = unusedChars[x]; if ( currentChar == previousChar ) continue; do { if ( currentChar == nodeLetter(tempIndex) || currentChar == '?') { removeCharFromArray(unusedChars, x, sizeOfBank); holder = anagramRecurse(tempIndex, toyWithMe, fillThisPosition + 1, unusedChars, sizeOfBank - 1, forTheCounter, (currentChar == '?')? true: false); wordAccumulator += holder; insertCharIntoArray(unusedChars, x, currentChar, sizeOfBank); if ( currentChar != '?' ) { tempIndex = nodeNext(tempIndex); break; } } else if ( currentChar < nodeLetter(tempIndex) ) break; } while ( (tempIndex = nodeNext(tempIndex)) != 0 ); if ( currentChar == '?' ) tempIndex = nodeChild(currentIndex); if ( tempIndex == 0 ) break; previousChar = currentChar; } } return wordAccumulator; } // The "toScrambleUp" String may contain '?' wildcards, so indicate these wildcards as lower case letters. public String anagram(String toScrambleUp) { String upperString = toScrambleUp.toUpperCase(); int numberOfLetters = upperString.length(); char[] inputCharArray = new char[INPUT_SIZE_LIMIT]; char[] theWordSoFar = new char[INPUT_SIZE_LIMIT]; upperString.getChars(0, numberOfLetters, inputCharArray, 0); Arrays.sort(inputCharArray,0,numberOfLetters); String traversalResult = ""; String holder; char previousChar = '\0'; char currentChar; int[] forTheCount = new int[1]; forTheCount[0] = 0; for ( int x = 0; x < numberOfLetters; x++){ currentChar = inputCharArray[x]; if ( currentChar == previousChar ) continue; removeCharFromArray(inputCharArray, x, numberOfLetters); if ( currentChar != '?' ) { holder = "-----------------------------\n"; holder += anagramRecurse(currentChar - '@', theWordSoFar, 0, inputCharArray, numberOfLetters - 1, forTheCount, false); traversalResult += holder; } else { for ( int y = 'A'; y <= 'Z'; y++ ) { holder = "-----------------------------\n"; holder += anagramRecurse(y - '@', theWordSoFar, 0, inputCharArray, numberOfLetters - 1, forTheCount, true); traversalResult += holder; } } insertCharIntoArray(inputCharArray, x, currentChar, numberOfLetters); previousChar = currentChar; } traversalResult = "Anagramming this: |" + upperString + "|\nResults in |" + forTheCount[0] + "| words.\n" + traversalResult; return traversalResult; } private void removeCharFromArray(char[] thisArray, int thisPosition, int size) { System.arraycopy(thisArray, thisPosition + 1, thisArray, thisPosition, (size - thisPosition - 1)); } private void insertCharIntoArray(char[] thisArray, int thisPosition, char thisChar, int size) { System.arraycopy(thisArray, thisPosition, thisArray, thisPosition + 1, (size - thisPosition - 1)); thisArray[thisPosition] = thisChar; } }