ISBN 0-9697066-0-X paper 208 pages
A Fantasy-Science Fiction novel by Best-selling author:
Terence Munsey
This is a story of an awakening of an ancient knowledge in the main characters, how it changes them, sends them on a journey, and the evil that chases after them trying to stop them from finding a magical key that will unlock the ancient Passwords. The Passwords contain powerful talismans that can alter the balance between good and evil in the Worlds.
The first book in this series of five introduces the reader to the main characters: Julian, Eruinn, Thiunn and Princess Darla. We are introduced to the unusual powers that gradually awaken within them as they progress on their journey from their peaceful home of Jard in the Southlands, to the North, in search of the hiding place of the magical key and Passwords.
Unfortunately there is an ancient evil that has also become aware of the existence of these powerful items. The evil, Dorluc, wants the power of the talismans to release him from his ethereal prison. Dorluc was placed in this prison a land of no form, as a punishment by the Old Ones god-like beings who founded the worlds and first discovered the secrets of the Passwords. Dorluc is determined to get revenge on the Old Ones and return to the corporal worlds where he can then unleash an unchallenged reign of terror. He enlists the help of Lord Merm, the tyrannical leader of the Gotts.
The Gotts live in the north away from the peaceful inhabitants of the South. They are a barbaric waring tribe who have been looking for an opportunity to invade the Southlands and dominate the Worlds. Lord Merm willingly allies himself with the evil in hopes of gaining tremendous power.
The uncovering of the key and Passwords become essential to Lord Merm and Dorluc in order for them to realize their plans. A panic sets in to find their hiding place. After studying the ancient Forbidden Books of the Gotts, Lord Merm discovers three clues or warnings as to the location of the key and Passwords. He sets off to Norkleau in the northwest, the original seat of power of the Old Ones, to find them.
During this time Julian, Eruinn, Thiunn and Darla through an awakening within the magic of the Old Ones discover that they are protectors of the key and Passwords. They are the Chosen Ones who must lead Julian to finding the powerful items before the evil can find them.
The journey takes our heroes northward through secret passages and underground rivers to Norkleau Castle. It is an arduous journey but they manage to find the key and Passwords and escape just ahead of Lord Merm and his troops. Both Lord Merm and the evil are enraged and pursue them. In their flight from Lord Merm and the evil of Dorluc, Julian is separated from his companions in the dark secret passages.
The first book ends with Eruinn, Thiunn and Darla returning to Jard in hopes of being reunited with Julian, but they don't realize that he has already gone farther north without them to safely dispose of the key and Passwords.
As he flees, Julian does not yet realize that the evil and Lord Merm are not far behind.
©1999 Terence Munsey
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For personal use only.

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