ISBN 0-9697066-1-8 paper 232 pages
A Fantasy-Science Fiction novel by Best-selling author:
Terence Munsey
This second book in the series begins with Julian's escape northward with the magical key and Passwords into the Burning Forest. The forest is a foreboding place where those who enter are never seen again. Though nervous, Julian accepts that it is his only option he must enter and risk whatever dangers therein lie.
Julian starts having visions in the Forest. He soon identifies and communicates with the spirit of his long dead father, who spurs him onward encouraging him to trust in the magic of the Balance. As Julian enters further into the Burning Forest he senses that he is not alone. Suddenly he discovers that he is able to communicate with the Moonfruit pine trees that surround him. He is led to one great lone pine and falls into a drug induced sleep.
The Moonfruit Pine are the protectors of the Burning Forest. They commune through the breeze and are able, by releasing their pollen, to cause intruders to fall into a deep sleep from which they never awaken. But this intruder is different. The Moonfruit are prevented from harming Julian and visited by his ancestors through 'communing' while Julian is under the Moonfruit's spell. The Moonfruit are directed to help Julian to find the Dwellers of the Forest and provide him with safe passage. The Moonfruit agree and they notify the Dwellers of the arrival of this special intruder this 'one from before'.
The Dwellers are the people of the forest. They live in tree top homes well camouflaged deep within the north of the forest. Once they are told of the intruder's presence and his connection to the Old Ones, they come to meet and escort Julian to their secret community.
While Julian is being met and led to the Dwellers' home, Darla, Eruinn and Thiunn find their way back to Jard and Julian's cottage. Upon arriving there, they cross with the presence of the evil. Darla realizes through her growing connection within the magic of the Old Ones, that Julian has gone north to the Burning Forest and that the evil, leading Lord Merm, is chasing after him. Quickly they start upon a journey to catch up with Julian in order to assist him and protect him from Lord Merm and the evil.
Lord Merm is not far behind Julian. He is being given guidance by the evil to track him. Lord Merm enlists the aid of the Riders of the Ice Barrens nomadic mercenaries who can track anything successfully. With them he travels north after Julian.
Julian manages to convince the Dwellers to help him find the mythical home, TIKA, of the Old Ones. The Dwellers guide Julian out of the Burning Forest ever more northward to the mighty Pass river and the grand canyons of TIKA.
It is not long before Julian is rejoined by his companions and together they cross into the zone of TIKA and into the secret underground passages that lead to the mythical city. Unbeknownst to them, Lord Merm is also close by and en route to TIKA.
Eventually Julian and his party find their way into TIKA and the Cavern of Three, where Julian must place the key and Passwords into the sarcophagus of the Keeper of Three. Julian places the Passwords safely into the skeletal remains of the Keeper, but is unable to place the key. Lord Merm manages to ambush Julian and his party, forcing Julian to flee with the key lest Lord Merm and the evil retrieve it from the Keeper.
A fight ensues. Julian manages to break away and runs down a long tunnel that leads out from the cavern. There is light from the outside brightly shining. Julian comes to the end of the tunnel and discovers that he is trapped. There is an abyss before him and Lord Merm chasing up the tunnel behind him. He has nowhere to go. Suddenly Lord Merm, possessed by the evil, is upon Julian and they both topple out of the tunnel into the canyon abyss to a certain death.
©1999 Terence Munsey
All Rights Reserved
For personal use only.

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