ISBN 0-9697066-6-9 paper 290 pages

A mystery novel by Best-selling author:

Terence Munsey



A gripping thriller involving mystery, romance and international intrigue, set in the most sophisticated city of the world...

The story opens with a brutal murder of a courier, Ted Ambrose, in the first class lounge at Toronto International Airport. It is a professional hit. The bag that Ted is transporting is handcuffed to his wrist and the killer is forced to hack-off Ted's wrist to get the bag.

Two weeks later, Monika Queller, our heroine, is on her way to Toronto to participate in the Harborfront Writer's Festival. While at the festival she encounters the son of the murdered courier, Andrew Ambrose, who convinces her to help him to prove the involvement of ABM COMPUTERS in his father's murder.

ABM has developed a new chip technology that allows them to access all the data on any of their new computers that contain the chip. By offering free internet access and voice mail capabilities on their computers, ABM encourages owners of their computers to leave their machines permanently connected to the phone lines and switched on. Through their new product registration lists, ABM is able to gain all the information needed in order to gain access to the data on any of their new computers. The result is ABM's ability to acquire all sorts of privileged information from a variety of international sources, including governments, businesses and those who use ABM's new computers and have registered their warrantee information.

Someone working for ABM, Bob Rosen, tried to sell the new technology to a competitor and used Ted Ambrose to deliver the chip. Like Ted, he is also murdered, and the sale prevented. ABM's secret is kept secure.

Monika and Andrew, stumble onto this information while searching for evidence to prove ABM's involvement in Andrew's father's murder. As a result they become targets, and ABM tries to stop them from revealing what they have discovered. ABM catches Andrew, but Monika escapes.

Monika manages via an internet message to notify her boyfriend, James Anstey, a CIA operative working in Los Angeles, while she tries to hide from ABM.

James comes to Toronto in an attempt to save Monika from ABM, but is unable to locate her. Eventually he manages to trace her movements and with the aid of the local authorities, manages to find her just in time at the top of the CN Tower, where ABM CEO, Arthur Kazinski, is attempting to throw her off the tower. A scuffle ensues. James fights with Kazinski. Shots are fired and Kazinski falls off the tower to his death, 1100 feet below.

Monika is saved by James, and later Andrew is found tied up and unharmed in ABM's Toronto warehouse. ABM's activities are exposed. James and Monika are reunited. This adventure has made them realize how much they need and love each other.


©1999 Terence Munsey

All Rights Reserved

For personal use only.