ISBN 0-9697066-2-6 paper 248 pages

A Fantasy-Science Fiction novel by Best-selling author:

Terence Munsey


Labyrinths of Light is the bridging book to the series. The theme of this book covers the few seconds that Julian and Lord Merm are falling from the tunnel opening at the Cavern of Three through the abyss, to the mighty Pass River at the bottom of the abyss. It presents much more of the metaphysical, and philosophical content of the series. It is here that the reader is given an insight into the power of the magical key, the Passwords, and an unusual dimensional notion of time and space is explored.

Moments after falling from the canyon tunnel, Julian finds himself pulled through a portal into a timeless dimension, parallel to the universe he normally inhabits. He is bombarded with an array of non-linear experiences where every thought within his mind is instantly played out before him. There is no apparent order to these images and Julian begins to have a series of psychedelic SCI FI spiritual episodes. He is instantly reliving everything that he thinks about.

Julian is mentally thrown about as he is suspended in a marvelous shaft of light that, unbeknownst to him, travels between the threads of the universe. He struggles to comprehend what is happening. During this disorienting experience he is exposed to all of the memories of the Stonemen before him. Among these memories are his father and mother. They both appear to him in his mind. They help him to understand what is happening and the importance of completing his obligation to protect the key and Passwords from falling into the evil's control.

At the same time as Julian's experience, Lord Merm is also falling through the abyss. Merm observes Julian as he disappears through the portal and is left alone to his fate. He calls out for help. Dorluc,the evil, hears his plea. From his spirit world, Dorluc tries to save Merm from death.
Eventually Julian manages to muster enough strength and understanding to make his way out of the shaft and back through the portal to his own world. In doing so he drops the key into the river just before he falls into its torrid waters. The key drifts along and down to the riverbed. Moments later Lord Merm, saved, also plunges deep into the river.

Julian and Lord Merm do not perish. The combination of the water and the power of their magic softens their impact. The book ends with Julian, Lord Merm and the key, all swept away by the river. Above, at the mouth of the canyon tunnel, Darla, Eruinn and Thiunn search for some sign of Julian. Darla suddenly connects to him through the magic of the Balance and realizes what has happened to him and what she and the nephews must now do.

©1999 Terence Munsey

All Rights Reserved

For personal use only.


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