ISBN 0-9697066-3-4 paper 318 pages

A Fantasy-Science Fiction novel by Best-selling author:

Terence Munsey


The story in this fourth book finds Lord Merm some time later with his troops trying to dam the the Pass River in an attempt to search for the key on the riverbed. It is a gargantuan task, but Merm is able to accomplish it by the use of a hoard of slave labor.

Meanwhile Julian has survived his fall and found a way back into the city of TIKA, the mythological home of the Old Ones, by using a secret underwater passage from the river. He is reunited with his companions. By now all their awakenings within the magic are strong and they each clearly understand that they must retrieve the Passwords from within the city and take them to Aug to be placed inside a secret opening that lies hidden beneath the throne in the Great Hall. Unfortunately, Aug is the capital city of the Gotts and the journey will be dangerous.

With the Passwords in hand, Julian and his companions make their way back to the Burning Forest and the Dwellers, whom they warn of the approaching Gotts. They then use the northern routes and continue on to Aug.

Lord Merm finds the key and is advised by Dorluc of Julian's attempt to get back to Aug to dispose of the Passwords. Lord Merm requires the Passwords in order to use the magic of the key. He takes up pursuit. There is a cat and mouse adventure through the Burning Forest, Moonfruit Pine, and Lake of Choices, as both sides make their way to Aug.

Once in Aug, Julian and his party manage to get access to the Great Hall through the secret tunnels. They find the throne and access the hidden opening. Dorluc by now has taken over control of Lord Merm's person and in a panic directs Merm to Julian and his companions in the Great Hall. There is a skirmish. The Old Ones reveal themselves. The Passwords are placed into the throne. Lord Merm is killed by 'Jewel' ­Darla's sword, and drops dead over the throne. The key falls from him into the throne opening.

The Balance is now protected. The key and Passwords are safe. The Old Ones appear in spirit form to our heroes and show them a portal back to their home in Jard. Julian, Eruinn, Thiunn and Darla having successfully completed their quest, enter through the portal and are transported back to the den of Julian's cottage. The circle is completed. They are all returned to where the story first began. The Worlds are once again secure. The evil has been thwarted.


©1999 Terence Munsey

All Rights Reserved

For personal use only.


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