ISBN 0-9697066-4-2

A Fantasy-Science Fiction novel by Best-selling author:

Terence Munsey


This final book in the Stoneman series places Julian, Darla, Eruinn, Thiunn and Lenore on their last journey northward to the Jade Sea—a fabled location high up at the top of their worlds from which the power and magic of the Old Ones flows—to secure the Passwords of Promise and Key from the evil. Unbeknownst to them, Rmont has survived his ordeal at the Cavern of Three and now, after Lord Merm’s demise, has made a pact with the evil to accomplish what Merm failed to do. The Balance of the Worlds is again at peril.

Going as fast as they can Julian and his party return to the Burning Forest. The evil is not far behind. Julian is troubled and, connecting through his knowing within the Balance, foresees the future. He has to warn then re-enlist the aid of the Dwellers, and with Buold as his guide, attempt to complete his ancient quest—a journey that will take the party back to the seventh level of Tika where the Passwords are concealed, and then on through the majestic mountains of the north to the secret passages that will lead them to the shrine at the Jade Sea. It is here that their journey will end one way or another.

All along their way Julian and his party are pursued by Rmont and his evil allies. The journey is arduous and full of magical adventures. Rmont is trying to prevent the talismans from reaching the shrine at the Jade Sea where once deposited, will be lost to both he and the evil.

In the last phase of their journey, Rmont manages to catch up with and take Julian and his party captive. Julian tries to maneuver Rmont, now under the complete control of the evil, into entering the shrine at the Jade Sea. In his arrogance Rmont/the Evil acquiesce to Julian’s manipulation and they all enter the shrine together.

Once inside the shrine a powerful magic is released. Julian and his party cower to protect themselves from the onslaught of the Old Ones’ magic. There is a great struggle between the Old Ones and the evil followed by intense noise, screams, and blinding beams of light. When the battle ends, Julian and his party are the only ones left in the shrine. Rmont and the evil have disappeared. The Old Ones reveal themselves to the Chosen Ones and open a magical portal that will transport Julian and his party back to their peaceful homes.

The quest completed Julian, Darla, Eruinn, Thiunn, Lenore and Buold say their goodbyes and enter into the portal. They disappear from sight one by one. Soon they will be returned safe and sound to where they were when this adventure first started. Each privately understanding that they will not be returning to their same old selves or lives. They now clearly understand that they will never be the same again.

©2013 Terence Munsey

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For personal use only.


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