Gioioso for 5, 7, 9 ...

This is a modern adaptation of Gioioso in Tre (a ballo, choreographed by Giovanni Ambrogio (Guglielmo Ebreo)
The original is for two men and one woman. The version for 5 would be for 3 men, 2 women, 7 would be 4 men and 3 women, etc.

Steps: doppio (in 4 and in 6), movimento, rest all done "in 6" = ripresa, sempio, mezavolta, volta tonda, volta del gioioso saltarello.
Start:  Man 1 on the left, then Woman 1, then Man 2, then Woman 2, and finally Man 3 on the right, side by side, holding hands, facing up the hall. (If the dance is for 7, just keep adding more people of alternate gender.)

      Arming (5 + 5 bars in bassadanza)
Ripresa Left, Ripresa Right,
Women Sempio Left, Sempio Right forward, turning toward the man to her left,
Women and Men they turned to do a left hand turn with Doppio Left, Doppio Right
(All end as they started dance.)
Repeat, this time the Woman doing a right hand turn with the man to her right.

      Men Change Places (same music as 1st section)
Ripresa Left, Ripresa Right,
Men switch places with Sempio Left, Sempio Right, Doppio Left, Doppio Right, passing in front of one woman (sometimes more), men who are moving to the right passing closer to the women than men who are moving left. The actual pattern here depends on the number of men. If there are 3 men, the 2 senior men (i.e. the two who are more to the left, starting in the positions of Man 1 and Man 2), move one space to the right, while the right-most man moves 2 spaces to the left. This would result in Man3-Woman1-Man1-Woman2-Man2 after. If there are 4 men then Man 1 and Man 3 change places and Man 2 and Man 4 change places. (It may seem easier to have Man 1+2 change and Man 3 + 4 change, but then Woman 2 is being ignored, and tends to get bitchy.) The man coming from the left (moving right) gets to go closer to the woman, so when meeting another man, the men pass left shoulders.) If there are 5 men things are starting to get more complicated. You could have all the men except Man 5 move one space right, while poor Man 5 has to charge 4 places left. Or you could have Men 1, 2 and 3 move 2 places right, while Men 4 + 5 have to go 3 left. You could develop complicated rules that no one will remember, involving random directions and places. There may be a neat mathmatical rule I haven't thought up yet. The easy solution is to bend the whole team into a ring and have all the men just go one right
(All end side by side again.)
Repeat, following the same rules as before (but the men are starting in new positions.)

      Travel + Dumbell (8 bars in bassadanza x 2)
Ripresa Left, Ripresa Right,
Sempio Left, Sempio Right, Doppio Left,
Men do a Voltatonda (clockwise, using Doppio Right, Doppio Left),
  as Women do Ripresa Right, Ripresa Left,
(I call this figure the "dumbbell" in class, the women describing the handle, and the men the two balls on either side. After the first doppio or ripresa, they have all moved over one place to the right, so Man 1 is in the woman's spot, Woman1 is in Man 2's spot, Man 2 is in Women 2's, etc. The men are facing down the hall, and women facing up. After the 2nd doppio or ripresa, they are all back to their usual place, facing up the hall.)
All Volta del Gioioso.

      Saltarello (8 bars in saltarello x 2)
Do 16 bars of saltarello.

      Crane Mating Dance (4 bars in quadernaria x 2)
Women Movimento, Men respond, Women Doppio Left,
Men Movimento, Women responds, Men Doppio Left,
Women Movimento, Men respond, Women Doppio Right and Mezavolta Right,
Men Movimento, Women responds, Men Doppio Right and Mezavolta Right.

Repeat dance, going the other way.


Alta Danza

Forse Che Si, Forse Che No

Mesura et Arte del Danzare
Most often use this recording in class.

Music in the Age of Leonardo da Vinci

Musica del XV secolo in Italia - this one has an extra 20 bars thrown in, in the middle. Does not repeat the dance.

Musica Subterranea

Sonare et Balare

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