Leoncello Novo

Ballo, choreographed by Domenico da Piacenza
Closely related to the dance Leoncello (Vecchio) also by Domenico, using the same music.
For two men and one woman.

Steps: sempio (in 4), doppio (in 4 and in 6), saltarello (in 4), saltarello tedesco, piva (in 4), contrapasso (in 4), movimento, mezavolta, volta tonda, ripresa (in 6), continenza (in 6), reverenza.
Start:  Man 1 on the left, then Woman, then Man 2 on the right, side by side, holding hands, facing up the hall.

      Section I (6 bars in 4/4)
2 Saltarelli, starting on left (may be saltarello tedesco),
Woman Doppio Left, Men the same,
Woman Doppio Right, Men the same.

      Section II (4 bars in 4/4)
Woman figure-8 around men, starting by going in front of Man 1, using Piva Left, Piva Right, Piva Left, Sempio Right twice.

      Section III (6 bars in 4/4)
Men Salt Left, Salt Right, Voltatonda (saltarello tedesco left)
Woman Salt Left, Salt Right, Mezavolta (4 steps). (Men meantime shift weight.)
(The men are facing the way they started, the woman is between them, facing the other way.)

      Section IIII (4 bars in 4/4)
3 Contrapassi on the left, ending the last one with a Mezavolta (step onto right foot as turn) instead of cutting, and pause
3 Contrapassi on the left, and pause.
(The men are facing opposite the way they started, the woman is between them, facing the other way.)

      Section V (13 bars in 6/4)
Woman Doppio Left, Men the same,
Woman Doppio Right, Men the same, all end with a Mezavolta Right
Riprese Left and Right, Continenze Left and Right, Reverenza Left,
Woman Doppio Left, Men the same,
Woman Doppio Right, Men the same, Men end with a Mezavolta Right,
Reverenza Left.
(All 3 are together, facing opposite the way they started.)

      Section VI (2 twiddles)
Woman Movimento, Men respond.

Repeat dance, with the two men having exchanged roles.

Reconstruction Notes

I followed the version in the Domenico ms.

In Section I and III the saltarelli may actually be meant to be saltarelli tedesci. In Section III the voltotonda is described as three sempii and a meza ripresa, which I have interpreted as a saltarello tedesco. Some of the sources require Section III to be done entirely with doppii instead.

Section IIII: Domenico only says that they return with the same steps, but Cornazano says that the first three are on the left and the second three on the right. I have chosen to have both sets start on the left, as there is only one action specified on the right inbetween (the posada/mezavolta) and I have interpreted that as one step, leaving them ready to start out again on the left. other interpretaions are valid.


Alta Danza

La Cour de Roi Rene

Forse Che Si, Forse Che No

Mesura et Arte del Danzare
Most often use this recording in class.

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