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Stop the Violence by Stopping the Hate

by Eric Bailey, student at the University of Oregon.

The most important reason for living is to serve each other. To help each other. To make this world a better place for all of God’s creations. Our time on this world is limited, so we all must make the most of it. There is simply no time for hate. Almost all bad marks in history have resulted from hate…hate against another person, race, person’s possession’s, etc. Rather than lashing out at someone just because they’re different, search for what is good in that person and add those good qualities to yours. Don’t let such trivial things like gender and race get in the way, for we are much more alike than different. Use each other to make each other better human beings, not teachers of hatred and violence. Sure, we must all be individuals. I am not telling you to not think and speak your own mind, but rather to use your God given abilities to help the common good and make our society one in which everyone is proud to be a part of. A person is not truly part of a society until he or she has had an impact on the environment that surrounds him. The least you could do is to not make your impact on your surrounding environment a negative one. It is much easier to destroy a good thing than it is to create one. If you spend your life trying to tear down society, not only will you be spending eternity in a non-forgiving place, but you also have wasted at least one other person’s life, maybe more. I say this because it will take an entire lifetime of a righteous person to fix the damage which you have created. Deep down, everybody knows the right decision in any given situation. I am simply asking you to listen to that voice that helps you live a good life and which helps create a better world. One thing that I much mention, and which all you must understand, is that before you go and try to make things better, we must first make certain that the precious, unreplaceable things that we hold dear, and which make our quality of life great, are preserved for all time. We must take care of the environment, for nature is a taste of Heaven on Earth, and we only have a limited supply. We must continue giving children the quality education that they deserve, for they are the future. We must also never forget, and always help, those which are less fortunate that ourselves. Everyone has the freedom of choice. This is what I believe to be our most sacred freedom. All that I ask is that you please consider what I have said and I hope that you follow your heart and do what you know to be right. Please, STOP THE VIOLENCE BY STOPPING THE HATE!!

Eric Bailey, student at the University of Oregon, or

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