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Pronounciation Guide


 "kh" and "ch" are the harsh "h" sound as in "aCHtung".

Accented syllables are capitalized.

If I've missed any names or terms, send them to garnelironheart@yahoo.com and I'll update the list.

Alladag = AH - la - dag

Arnodon = Ar - NO - don

Astaldoberadiel = As - TAL - do - bera- dee- el

Arian = AH - ree- an

Avormacilliel Lüinlhach- Ah - vor - MAH - cil - lee - el Looy - NAL - hach

Bamfortia = Bam - FOR - shee - a

Belethcristiel Teleplindëwen – Beleth - KRIS - tiyel Teh - le - PLIN - doo - wen

Belgrod – BEL - grod

Bulëenion Carandelothion – Boo - LEE - neon Ca - RAHN - da - loe -thee - an

Chetu-ul = Che - TOOL

Chetz-Grinuaolli = Chetz - Gri - NOO - lee

Chitzo = CHITZ - oh

Derron = DEH - ron

Donal = Doh - NAHL                                                

Don-zee = Don - ZEE

Eidj = EYE - j

Esgalminuial Belegrûthion – Esgal - mi  - NOO yal Beh - leh - GROU - thee - on

Gerne = GERN

Gi-Gart Isaradya – Ji - GAHRT Eye - SAH - rahd - ya

Gormann = GOR - mann

Gornol = GOR - nol

Grinuaolli = Gri - NOO - lee

Gutor Pakin = GOO - tohr PAE - kin

Hallakenemial Mavagarion - Ha - lah - ke - NE - mee- al Mava - GA - ree - on

Hibur = HEE - boor

Iartholien = Ee - AR - tho - lee -en    

Kar = KAHR                

Khazav = kha - ZAV

Laiiaiel = LIE - el

Lhûnkilokëiel Dûrrantwen- Lun - KILL - oh - kell Doo - RANT - wen

Lo-Milw Isocyla –  Loh - MIL - wa Eye - saw - SI - lah

Marlosse Imberósien - Mar - LOSS IM - ber - ROY - see - an

Melobam = ME - lo - bahm

Menehiriel Imernilwen – Meh - ne - HI - ree - el Imer - NIL - wen

Mosh-agon = MOSH - ah - gone

Noveldaion Quelleancaion - Noh - vel - DIE - on Kwel - EE - an - KIE - on

Nuiniachien Lostamaion - Nee - yoo - NYA - cheen Lost - a - MIE - on

Numellon Belegancaion – NOO - mel - on Bell - ee - GAN - kie - on

Oa-neth = Oh -neth

Omas = Oh - MAS

Opale = OH- pahl

Paskanah = PAS - ka - nah

 Pheramunion Dolengthangion - Fehr - a- MOO - nee - on Doh - len - THANG - yon

Qiliv = KI - liv

Ritchar = RICH - ahr

Shatiah = Sha - TEE - ah

Telpelhug Rallathilon – TEL - pel - hug Rah - lah - THIE - on

Temes = TEMS

Tzuba = TZOO - bah

Ur-garl Hitrandil - OOR - gah - rel HITH - rahn - dil

Valcor = VAL - core

Yoram = YOR - am

Zehal = Tz - HAHL

Zehalime = Tz - ha - LEEM


Berrenia and Carrosel - large islands several months east of Paskanah by ship.  Considered colonies of the Empire

Irinia - a sub continent a third the size of Paskanah.  Home to the Tzehuv race of Men.  Previously controlled by the Empire, it is now free of its control and consists of several small countries.

Marn = a large island off the southwest coast of Paskanah, consists of three small countries.  Independent of the Empire

Paskanah = the main continent in the world, controlled by the Empire

Zehal = a large island off the northwest coast of Paskanah and separated from it by a narrow channel, the Zehalime Canal.  The homeland of the Chetu'uls, independent from the Empire

 The Great Empire = The dominant political entity which rules over all of Paskanah except the Islands of Zehal and Marn