Lola LemireTostevin

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The Mercury Press Publisher, commentary - Subject to Criticism, Site Specific Poems
Bookish Commentary: Singed Wings
Cormorant Books Publisher - Frog Moon
Talonbooks Publisher, commentary - Cartouches, Singed Wings
Good Reads Books by Lola Lemire Tostevin
Literary Encyclopedia Essay written by Shelley Boyd, McGill University:

"A Franco-Ontarian, Tostevin writes primarily in English, but her inclusion of French within her writing and her strong interest in feminism have enabled critics to discuss Tostevin’s work in the context of both English Canadian writers, such as Daphne Marlatt, and Quebec writers, such as Nicole Brossard and Gail Scott."

Open Letter

- Editors

A Canadian Journal of Writing and Theory - "Redrawing the Lines: The Next Generation

York University

When Lola Lemire Tostevin taught creative writing at York, her standard advice was: “Write what you know." After returning this fall to present her latest novel, The Other Sister, for the Canadian Writers in Person series, she would now add, "but not necessarily everything you know.” 

online guide to writing in canada

A list of works by Lemire Tostevin"No Tongue in Cheek", Article in Canadian Woman Studies, Vol 8, No 3

The Canadian Encyclopedia

Brief literary bio

Your Scrivener Press

Contributor note

University of Western Ontario

A description of Lemire Tostevin's writer-in-residency for the 2004-2005 school year

Quill and Quire

Book review - The Jasmine Man


Literary bio

Rivoli Club Reading Series

Interview with Rachel Zolf - Site Specific Poems

University of Ottawa
Karen Press: My thesis examines the work of Ontario writer Lola Lemire Tostevin: five books of poetry, Color of Her Speech (1982), Gyno-Text (1983), Double Standards (1985), 'sophie (1988) and Cartouches (1995), and her first novel, Frog Moon (1994).