Last updated January 30, 2025

....writing about Food and Wine since early 1969...Contents on THIS website Copyright 1994 - 2025 by Gothic Epicures Writing, NOW CELEBRATING MORE THAN 55 YEARS OF PRINT AND ONLINE REPORTAGE ABOUT WINES, BEERS, SPIRITS AND FOOD !!!

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  • World Wine Watch Newsletter -- current Vintages New Releases FEBRUARY 1, 2025; archives are below)
  • Wine TradeWinds Diary (current month and year; archives are below)
  • Wine Book and Food Book Reviews (current month and year; archives are below)
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  • This is the World Wine Watch Newsletter Online, as created by Dean Tudor, principal owner of Gothic Epicures Writing, a wine and food consulting business, and member (currently, Treasurer) of the Wine Writers' Circle of Canada This is the website version of the EMAILnewsletter. The WWWO has been online since 1994! These wines, globally distributed, are available for sale within the province of Ontario, Canada.

    I'm now entering my 55th YEAR of wine writing. My first wine review was of Brights Manor St. David Red NV, 95 cents at the LCBO (1969): "full, firm, dusty fruit, not useful as a sipper but okay with food, weird but Ontario-style finish". My first Editorial Comment in 1970 was about how expensive and unjustified wine prices were in restaurants and hotels.

    Remember, it's not hard to be a wine writer: you just have to have opinions about wines and find someone to pay you for those opinions. Wine writing is a career; but it is not a living. You also have to recognize that there's nothing really free, and that you're getting wine samples, invites, dinners, trips and parties not because you're so great and so cool. You get these perks because it serves a purpose: ultimately, it's a wine writer's job in association with "our industry partners" to sell wine. You might even want to read "Oxford Companion to Wine" on the differences between a wine WRITER and a wine CRITIC. "The secret of wine writing is not simply to share opinions, but to give readers the confidence to have their own." -- Giles Kime. Or, put another way, "He who refines the public taste is a public benefactor" -- Dr. Samuel Johnson

    TRIGGER WARNING ALERT!!!! --- As always, I do what I can to produce publications and data which are pleasing in every way and devoid of error. Life, however, mocks my efforts. Prices change, and sometimes I live to regret the clever turns of phrase that seemed so very right at the time. I apologize for errors of fact, ill-conceived metaphors, mistakes of spelling or pronunciation, opinions that will come back to haunt me in years to come, and solecisms of every description. Like you, I try my damnedest, but it doesn't always work. Still, perhaps next time. So on to THE DISCLAIMER --

    This website, including any articles and all images, is for the sole use of me. And may contain confidential and privileged information pertaining to reporting conducted under the supervision and direction of myself and my colleagues. This website is my property and it is protected from forced disclosure on my "say so". This website does not represent in any way the policies, positions, or opinions of my ISP, myself, the Wine Writers' Circle of Canada, my other colleagues or anyone else. But don't quote me on that; indeed, don't quote me on anything unless I say it is good. Ever. For extenal use only. For a limited time only. Possible side effects may include loss of appetite, loss of income, loss of libido, loss of motivation, loss of job, loss of family, home and everything else you hold dear. Unauthorized review, tweeting, facebooking, tiktoking, instagraming, blogging, re-blogging, tumblring, liking, linking, redistributing of any such information contained within this website and/or its image(s) for profit and without prior written permission is strictly prohibited. Violators may be executed. This website is void where prohibited. Sentences are limited while words last. I am not liable for damages arising from use or misuse. I claim no responsibility for whatever develops. If this website begins to smoke, step away immediately -- that is not normal. Read only with proper ventilation. Avoid extreme temperatures and store in a cool, dry place. Text may contain explicit materials some readers may find objectionable. Others may love it. All rights reserved. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is unintentional and purely coincidental. Please read -- and use -- at your own risk. Do not bend, fold, mutilate or spindle. This website is provided as is without any warranties. But extended waranties can be purchased from me. Readers assume full responsiblity. Contents may settle while transmitting to your computer. Use only as directed. Do not read while operating a motor vehicle or heavy equipment such as a lap top or smart phone. Sit down while reading. Freshest if read NOW. Contains a substantial amount of non-active ingredients. Colours may, in time, fade. Not valid unless signed, and even then....Other restrictions may apply. Do not remove this disclaimer under penalty of law. Terms are subject to change without notice. E & OE, and all that...Why is there NEVER enough time to do it right but ALWAYS enough time to do it over? Look it up, and you'll remember it longer! Screw it up, and you'll remember it forever....

    Try also my Award Winning gateway-portal-index to

    WINES, BEERS and SPIRITS of the Net (updated January 2024)

  • 27th Annual (2023) Holiday Food and Wine Book Gifts Article
  • Tudor's Famous FaintPraise Table of Wine Terms (describing wines worthy of 75 to 84 points)

  • Wine and Food Book Reviews (2021+ archives)
  • Wine and Food Book Reviews (2016/20 archives)
  • Wine and Food Book Reviews (2012/15 archives)
  • Wine and Food Book Reviews (2008/11 archives)
  • Wine and Food Book Reviews (2005/08 archives)
  • Wine and Food Book Reviews (2001/05 archives)

  • Wine Trade Winds Diary (2021+ archives)
  • Wine Trade Winds Diary (2016/20 archives)
  • Wine Trade Winds Diary (2012/15 archives)
  • Wine Trade Winds Diary (2009/11 archives)
  • Wine Trade Winds Diary (2006/08 archives)
  • Wine Trade Winds Diary (2000/05 archives)

  • World Wine Watch Newsletter (2021+ archives)
  • World Wine Watch Newsletter (2010/20 archives)
  • World Wine Watch Newsletter (1995-2009 archives)

  • Holiday Gifts Archives from previous years

  • Hear Here Audiobook Archives from previous years

  • Selected Winequotes

  • Selected Wine Humour

  • Selected Food and Recipe Sites

  • Aroma Wheel in Low-Tech ASCII text

    Any comments? Send to Dean Tudor

    Other Hot Links to Wine News

  • GTA, Canada, and International Wine Trade Calendar from Drinks Ontario
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